Our core com­pe­tence lies in stamp­ing and form­ing tech­nol­o­gy - from parts devel­op­ment to the fin­ished prod­uct. We imple­ment projects with­in the frame­work of a gen­er­al under­stand­ing of lean. And we do this in coop­er­a­tion with you. We want to enable you to become more inde­pen­dent in your abil­i­ty to act. A fur­ther con­cern is to min­i­mize waste — in any form: in process­es, in expen­di­ture, wher­ev­er it could become incon­ve­nient at some point. We have made it our mis­sion to think far-sight­ed­ly. For the present, this means that we are already set­ting the right course for your results-ori­ent­ed future. The lean con­cept is imple­ment­ed in every BANAT.ENG method. We would like to help you to get to know this way of think­ing — and above all to expe­ri­ence it. In short: with BANAT.ENG you will find a hard­lin­er. On the one hand, we fight against waste and on the oth­er, we are always care­ful to design com­plex tasks in such a way that they appear sim­ple — so that your team also gets the opti­mum solu­tion. Because only those who have the nec­es­sary knowl­edge can gain con­trol: over process­es, results and suc­cess. And ulti­mate­ly the free­dom to act. Have we aroused your curios­i­ty? Then let us be even more spe­cif­ic. We cov­er the fol­low­ing ser­vices in Ger­many and Roma­nia: Devel­ope­ment, pro­cure­ment,pro­duc­tion & train­ing 

BANAT ENGineers S.R.L.

Str. Cloș­ca, Nr. 11, Ap. 4

310017 Arad, Româ­nia

Phone : +40 (0) 762 631 856 



Licht­en­bergstraße 80
79114 Freiburg


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Web­site devel­oped with pasion by Kitz­Da­ta