We sup­port you in the selec­tion of your sup­pli­ers through­out Europe

1 Increas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty
2 Relo­ca­tion of pro­duc­tion
3 Coop­er­a­tion
4 Pro­to­types

1 Increas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty — why ?

The per­for­mance of a sys­tem, its avail­abil­i­ty and the qual­i­ty of the parts influ­ence over­all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. These fac­tors lead to the OEE (Over­all Equip­ment Effec­tive­ness) as the most impor­tant para­me­ter for mea­sur­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. In order to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, it must be ensured that waste is removed from the process. Above all, waste means: non-uti­liza­tion of max­i­mum sys­tem per­for­mance, unnec­es­sary down­times due to exces­sive­ly long set-up process­es, unplanned sys­tem fail­ures and qual­i­ty fluc­tu­a­tions due to unsafe process­es.

In coop­er­a­tion with you, we would there­fore like to focus on the most effec­tive adjust­ments. Impulse train­ing and per­son­al coach­ing have proven par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive here. The meth­ods used, such as val­ue stream map­ping, SMED, TPM & SFM, are indi­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed to your require­ments. We guide your team into a new way of think­ing, with the clear premise of striv­ing for a con­tin­u­ous increase in added val­ue and leav­ing no room for waste. With SFM as the basis for trans­paren­cy and open lead­er­ship behav­ior, we pro­vide the plat­form for sus­tain­able improve­ment.

2 Relo­cat­ing pro­duc­tion

Relo­cat­ing pro­duc­tion always involves a great deal of effort and risk. As a rule, they only come into play when there are no sen­si­ble alter­na­tives — where­by it is irrel­e­vant whether the relo­ca­tion is at home or abroad. It is always an advan­tage if suf­fi­cient time is avail­able and the relo­ca­tion can there­fore be well pre­pared. Unfore­see­able sit­u­a­tions, such as sup­pli­er insol­ven­cy, loss of pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties or irrec­on­cil­able dif­fer­ences in nego­ti­a­tions, make ade­quate prepa­ra­tion time dif­fi­cult. In such cas­es, relo­ca­tions are asso­ci­at­ed with very high time and finan­cial expen­di­ture. And yet the main objec­tive must not be lost sight of: ensur­ing that cus­tomers are sup­plied with suf­fi­cient mate­r­i­al of the required qual­i­ty.

Sounds chal­leng­ing at first, yes. But in BANAT.ENG you will find a part­ner who is not afraid of chal­lenges and has estab­lished prac­ti­ca­ble meth­ods. They will pre­pare you ade­quate­ly for such sit­u­a­tions. Addi­tion­al tech­no­log­i­cal sup­port dur­ing the start-up phase (e.g. in the event of tool prob­lems, qual­i­ty devi­a­tions) lays the right foun­da­tion for suc­cess­ful imple­men­ta­tion. We take a very struc­tured, con­sci­en­tious and trans­par­ent approach and do not leave your side dur­ing the entire relo­ca­tion process. Togeth­er we will over­come this hur­dle.

3 Coop­er­a­tion with part­ners — why ? (Link to entire net­work)

As part of our tech­nol­o­gy con­sult­ing, we have been approached time and again about hard­ware (stamp­ing parts, tools, press­es, press equip­ment). This has made us real­ize how impor­tant a com­pre­hen­sive range of prod­ucts is. That is also why we have decid­ed to work togeth­er with part­ners to pro­vide advice from a sin­gle source. You can find out more about this in the entire BANAT.ENG net­work.

BANAT ENGineers S.R.L.

Str. Cloș­ca, Nr. 11, Ap. 4

310017 Arad, Româ­nia

Phone : +40 (0) 762 631 856 



Licht­en­bergstraße 80
79114 Freiburg


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Web­site devel­oped with pasion by Kitz­Da­ta