Stamping Symposium in Pitesti – something brand new on the Romanian market

The Stamp­ing Sym­po­sium Pitesti was the first busi­ness event of this kind, which took place on Novem­ber 22nd, 2022. The pop­u­lar busi­ness hotel Rama­da in the uni­ver­si­ty town of Pitesti served as the venue. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of var­i­ous com­pa­nies from the areas of mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing, sup­pli­er indus­try, con­sult­ing, as well as the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitesti pre­sent­ed approach­es to new devel­op­ments. The event was mod­er­at­ed by Prorec­tor prof. uni­ver­si­ty dr. Eng. Viorel Nico­lae from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitesti. „You have the pow­er to make a change“ – a leit­mo­tif on all lev­els. And an appeal to self-effi­ca­cy when it comes to proac­tive­ly net­work­ing with the right con­tacts in order to con­struc­tive­ly solve exist­ing prob­lems.

What has hap­pened

The Roman­ian tech­nol­o­gy & lean com­pa­ny BANAT ENGi­neers SRL based in Arad, togeth­er with 5 oth­er part­ners from Ger­many (Auto­mat­ic-Sys­tems Dreher GmbH, Eckardt Sys­tems GmbH, Herkt-Stanztech­nolo­gie GmbH), Roma­nia (SC Oech­sler Roma­nia S.R.L.) and Bul­gar­ia (VAPTECH Ltd ) + The Fac­ul­ty of Mechan­ics and Tech­nol­o­gy – Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitesti, held a sym­po­sium on the sub­ject of stamp­ing tech­nol­o­gy.

High-qual­i­ty con­tent in the form of excit­ing and inno­v­a­tive pre­sen­ta­tions filled the day of the sym­po­sium, which attract­ed around 50 par­tic­i­pants. In the attrac­tive con­fer­ence room of the pop­u­lar busi­ness hotel Rama­da Pitesti, all stages of the entire pro­duc­tion process for cre­at­ing a stamped part were illus­trat­ed from the point of view of the lat­est tech­no­log­i­cal approach: from the coil mate­r­i­al and the prepa­ra­tion of the strip (Auto­mat­ic-Sys­tems Dreher GmbH) to the oil­ing (Eckardt Sys­tems GmbH) to the stamp­ing press (VAPTECH Ltd) and tool (Herkt-Stanztech­nolo­gie GmbH) up to and includ­ing its cost analy­sis (BANAT ENGi­neers SRL).

The mood was relaxed and inter­est­ed – both among the speak­ers and the audi­ence. A cer­tain close­ness also seemed to serve as a com­mon thread in oth­er areas: all par­tic­i­pants were invit­ed to inte­grate them­selves by ask­ing ques­tions or bring­ing new top­ics to the dis­cus­sion. Per­haps this prox­im­i­ty to indus­try was the rea­son for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitesti to get involved here, in order to con­tribute to the suc­cess of the sym­po­sium?

How­ev­er, one of the most impor­tant unique sell­ing points of the Stamp­ing Sym­po­sium was not based on tech­ni­cal but on ide­al ground: with the cre­do „Coop­er­a­tion instead of com­pe­ti­tion“ a red thread emerged that ran through all pro­gram items of the day and in a very hon­est way on the part of the orga­niz­ers.

What’s behind it

Are the orga­niz­ers pur­su­ing a vision? Defin­i­tive. With this new for­mat (because there has nev­er been any­thing like it on the Roman­ian mar­ket) they want to estab­lish a place for net­work­ing: for cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers, inter­est­ed par­ties and stu­dents. And through this place of net­work­ing, the exist­ing gap between indus­try and uni­ver­si­ty should also be closed. A coop­er­a­tion with a uni­ver­si­ty has the poten­tial for stu­dents to devel­op a feel for future pro­fes­sion­al life through authen­ti­cal­ly pre­sent­ed prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence – this not only con­veys a real out­look, but also cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make ini­tial con­tacts in the pro­fes­sion­al world.

Well-func­tion­ing net­works are impor­tant every­where. Well-func­tion­ing net­works enable flex­i­bil­i­ty, pow­er, growth and prof­it.

What was the result

The Stamp­ing Sym­po­sium can def­i­nite­ly be count­ed as a suc­cess. BANAT ENGi­neers SRL (orga­ni­za­tion man­age­ment: Ioana Ilea-Gab + Team) also cer­tain­ly con­tributed to the suc­cess, since their well thought-out and high-qual­i­ty orga­ni­za­tion made net­work­ing between par­tic­i­pants and orga­niz­ers pos­si­ble in the first place.

But the excel­lent coop­er­a­tion with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitesti also opened up future scope for the con­nec­tion of busi­ness and research: because what busi­ness can give to the Uni­ver­si­ty, the Uni­ver­si­ty can also give back thanks to its research prox­im­i­ty (e.g. when it comes to areas such as valu­able mate­ri­als sci­ence). Sounds like a clas­sic win-win sit­u­a­tion!

What will hap­pen

It’s clear to every­one involved: there will be a sequel. And inter­est­ed com­pa­nies are invit­ed to reg­is­ter their lat­est tech­ni­cal approach­es to be able to present them at the next Stamp­ing Sym­po­sium.

BANAT ENGineers S.R.L.

Str. Cloș­ca, Nr. 11, Ap. 4

310017 Arad, Româ­nia

Phone : +40 (0) 762 631 856 



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79114 Freiburg


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